Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wax Apple Fruit

I had to go onto FaceBook and posted this picture to find out that this unique fruit was called the Wax Apple Fruit. I've never had this before, nor seen this in the US. The picture on my left is a picture that I took. When you cut it open, it looks whitish like an apple's insides. The taste and texture - I've described it as a citrus flavored watermelon. The skin is so thin, I don't really feel or taste the skin of this wax apple fruit (sometimes also called Jambu, but in Chinese it is pronounced Lem-Bu).

Some comments I got on the Wax Apple from FaceBook:

I've removed people's names.

  • haha..I think it's called "wax apple" It's definitely my favorite fruit from Taiwan. :)
  • 蓮霧 is so delicious and juicy~~~
  • It looks like a pear without any skin! Like a hairless cat!
  • What is that?????? never seen it does it taste????
  • Aren't those the wax fruit? A monk here in Oceanside (California, USA) grows them!
I just remembered, if you want to find me on facebook, my facebook address is:

I couldn't get my own name for the facebook website link, so I chose "Modesto"

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