I sometimes act as tech support for some of my friends. I get this question a lot:
How come my facebook runs so slow?
I've had the luxury of having tried many different computers and found that there are two things that make facebook slow. Any of these things can be the "bottleneck" that causes slowness for facebook.
1. Amount of memory in your computer
2. Speed of internet connection.
And of course it would also matter what speed processor you have.
I've had great luck running FaceBook from Taiwan - but I have 4 gigs of memory and a fast internet connection which happens to be wired.
When I open up task manager to see how much memory each item takes up. I'm using internet explorer (iexplore.exe).
I get:
Google (Taiwan): 45,180K
Blogger (Chinese): 48,040K (without logging in)
Facebook (after logging into my account): 68,576K
Facebook on internet explorer is now on the top of my list as a memory "hog" - it's not the worst memory hog that I've seen. But it shows that having enough memory is one of the reasons for keeping Facebook running at an efficient speed. Efficiency is important in being able to spend time talking to our friends on Facebook.
As for internet speed.
Using Speedtest.net, the global broadband speed test,
My server for the test is hosted by Tunghai University
www.thu.edu.tw My ISP is CHTD - Chunghwa Telecom. My distance to server performing this test is about 100 miles.
The results are 9.48MB/s download and 1.88 MB/s upload. Ping is 33ms (I'm not sure what that means)
On my second test: I got 9.43 MBPS for download and 1.88 MBPS for upload.
If I shift my server that tests the speed to Hong Kong, I get 9.44 MBPS for download and 1.66 MBPS for upload.
This is just to show the speed at which that I'm connected.
Now for a really cool test, I'm going to test the connection with San Francisco (Near Modesto, CA where I live in the USA - I'm currently in Taipei, Taiwan)
I get a download speed of 7.71 MBPS and an upload speed of 1.74 MBPS. Not too shabby!
Overall, I'm happy with facebook speed. I think of course it could be faster, but many of the other limiting factors for speed are due to things out of our control such as the server that Facebook uses.
Just writing what is on my mind.
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